

On an adjacency property of almost all tournaments

14 years 14 days ago
On an adjacency property of almost all tournaments
Let n be a positive integer. A tournament is called n-existentially closed (or n-e.c.) if for every subset S of n vertices and for every subset T of S, there is a vertex x / S which is directed toward every vertex in T and directed away from every vertex in S\T . We prove that there is a 2-e.c. tournament with k vertices if and only if k 7 and k = 8, and give explicit examples for all such orders k. We also give a replication operation which preserves the 2-e.c. property.
Anthony Bonato, Kathie Cameron
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DM
Authors Anthony Bonato, Kathie Cameron
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