

On the advantages of subspace tracking for temporal updating

13 years 7 months ago
On the advantages of subspace tracking for temporal updating
When doing parameter estimation, ESPRIT is an often used algorithm. As input, ESPRIT needs the eigenvectors of the signal subspace. These can be generated by an eigenvalue decomposition or by subspace tracking algorithms. In this paper, we demonstrate, that subspace tracking is superior not only regarding computational complexity but also regarding accuracy, which is due to its temporal updating character. We will also detail the circumstances for which this holds and that delay is a side-effect. Keywords--ESPRIT, PASTd, EVD, Rank, Parameter, Phasor Estimation
Matthias Lechtenberg, Jürgen Götze
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Matthias Lechtenberg, Jürgen Götze
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