

Affective Text Variation and Animation for Dynamic Advertisement

14 years 4 months ago
Affective Text Variation and Animation for Dynamic Advertisement
Abstract. The largest part of the advertising market is already electronic. This means there is an opportunity for automatizing some of the production processes, such as producing and rendering of catchy language expressions. A system is described that produces creative, affective variations of familiar textual expressions and animates them according to the affective contents. The textual variations are based on lexical semantics techniques such as an algorithm that looks for affective similarity, and on concepts such as optimal innovation, realized through assonant substitutions. Animation results from the realization of a scripting language for kinetic typography. The combination of affective variation and automatic affective perceptual rendering of key elements in the resulting expression is meant to guarantee effectiveness in advertising communication.
Carlo Strapparava, Alessandro Valitutti, Oliviero
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ACII
Authors Carlo Strapparava, Alessandro Valitutti, Oliviero Stock
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