

Affordances for manipulation of physical versus digital media on interactive surfaces

15 years 4 months ago
Affordances for manipulation of physical versus digital media on interactive surfaces
This work presents the results of a comparative study in which we investigate the ways manipulation of physical versus digital media are fundamentally different from one another. Participants carried out both a puzzle task and a photo sorting task in two different modes: in a physical 3dimensional space and on a multi-touch, interactive tabletop in which the digital items resembled their physical counterparts in terms of appearance and behavior. By observing the interaction behaviors of 12 participants, we explore the main differences and discuss what this means for designing interactive surfaces which use aspects of the physical world as a design resource. Author Keywords Affordances, Digital, Physical, Manipulation, Interactive Surfaces, Tabletop, Interface Design. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. User Interfaces
Lucia Terrenghi, David S. Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Sh
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Lucia Terrenghi, David S. Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Shahram Izadi
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