

The Agent-Based Architecture of RECOLLVE

14 years 6 months ago
The Agent-Based Architecture of RECOLLVE
The world globalization process, the increasing demand for communication and information technologies create a demand for collaborative applications. Aiming at supporting communication, information exchange and collaboration among users geographically distants, many CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) systems like audio and videoconference, shared editors, shared whiteboard and CVEs (Collaborative Virtual Environments) were developed. Collaborative Virtual Environments represent an important category of CSCW systems that use 3D shared spaces in order to support collaborative activities. We find also many systems that integrate collaborative applications to satisfy specific needs of users. We present in this article the agent-based architecture of RECOLLVE, a CVE which focuses on representing a very large set of collaboration activities in a virtual scene, including their social aspects.
José Valentim Dos Santos Filho, Roberta Lim
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SBSC
Authors José Valentim Dos Santos Filho, Roberta Lima-Gomes, Aloysio De Castro Pinto Pedroza, Jean-Pierre Courtiat
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