

Agent-Based Management of Responsive Environments

14 years 9 months ago
Agent-Based Management of Responsive Environments
Responsive environments are physical surroundings whose components change their behaviour to accommodate the presence of people as well as other components. We describe a means to manage such responsive environments whereby each component is dynamically assigned a software agent – these are autonomous and reactive/proactive programs that communicate via message-passing. Arbitrary functionalities can be encoded in such agents, reflecting the capabilities of the components they represent, as well as extending them. Ours is a flexible and scalable approach allowing the gradual population of an environment with physical devices and their corresponding agents.
Flávio S. Corrêa da Silva, Wamberto W
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIIA
Authors Flávio S. Corrêa da Silva, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos
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