

Agent Information Server: A Middleware for Traveler Information

14 years 8 months ago
Agent Information Server: A Middleware for Traveler Information
This paper proposes an Agent Traveler Information Server for a daily trip in an urban area. It is based on the multi-agent paradigm and is using the Environment as Active Support of Interaction (EASI) model. It instantiates the mutual awareness concept. The purpose is to allow services, information sources and human travelers to be represented by a unified agent structure and to allow them to interact homogeneously although they are conceptually different. Given that the whole information process must be envisaged in a real time configuration, the increase of the interactions has to be taken into account and the classical interaction modes become rapidly inefficient. The EASI model enables agents to build their interaction interests egocentrically and delegates the interaction management to the multi-agent environment.
Mahdi Zargayouna, Flavien Balbo, Julien Saunier
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ESAW
Authors Mahdi Zargayouna, Flavien Balbo, Julien Saunier
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