

On the Aggregatability of Multicast Forwarding State

14 years 4 months ago
On the Aggregatability of Multicast Forwarding State
Abstract— It has been claimed that multicast state cannot be aggregated. In this paper, we will debunk this myth and present a simple technique that can be used to aggregate multicast forwarding state. In particular, we present an interface-centric data structure model which allows aggregation of ranges of multicast addresses in the forwarding table. Understanding the limits of possible aggregation is critical to our knowledge of how IP multicast will scale as it becomes widely deployed. We show through analysis and simulation that some aggregation is possible, even under purely random address allocation and purely random group membership distribution. We further show how other methods of allocation can significantly improve the ability to aggregate, and how non-random distributions of membership can affect aggregation both positively and negatively.
David Thaler, Mark Handley
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors David Thaler, Mark Handley
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