

Aggregation and Scalable QoS: A Performance Study

14 years 6 months ago
Aggregation and Scalable QoS: A Performance Study
The IETF’s Integrated Services (IntServ) architecture together with reservation aggregation provide a mechanism to support the quality-of-service demands of real-time flows in a scalable way, i.e., without requiring that each router be signaled with the arrival or departure of each new flow for which it will forward data. However, reserving resources in “bulk” implies that the reservation will not precisely match the true demand. Consequently, if the flows’ demanded bandwidth varies rapidly and dramatically, aggregation can incur significant performance penalties of under-utilization and unnecessarily rejected flows. On the other hand, if demand varies moderately and at slower time scales, aggregation can provide an accurate and scalable approximation to IntServ. In this paper, we develop a simple analytical model and perform extensive trace-driven simulations to explore the efficacy of aggregation under a broad class of factors. Example findings include (1) a simple sin...
Huirong Fu, Edward W. Knightly
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Huirong Fu, Edward W. Knightly
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