

An algebraic approach to a study of two-dimensional affine differential system

14 years 3 months ago
An algebraic approach to a study of two-dimensional affine differential system
In a present paper a problem of classification of Aff(2, R)orbits' dimensions is considered on example of an autonomous two-dimensional affine differential system of first order. Methods of Lie algebras are used in the work, as well as methods of group analysis. Computer algebra systems "Bergman" and "Mathematica 5.0" are widely used. Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 34C14, 34C05, 58F14. Keywords and phrases: Differential equation, Lie algebra, affine invariant, Aff(2, R)-orbit.
E. Naidenova
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CSJM
Authors E. Naidenova
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