

An algebraic foundation for automatic feature-based program synthesis

14 years 1 months ago
An algebraic foundation for automatic feature-based program synthesis
Feature-Oriented Software Development provides a multitude of formalisms, methods, languages, and tools for building variable, customizable, and extensible software. Along different lines of research, different notions of a feature have been developed. Although these notions have similar goals, no common basis for evaluation, comparison, and integration exists. We present a feature algebra that captures the key ideas of feature orientation and that provides a common ground for current and future research in this field, on which also alternative options can be explored. Furthermore, our algebraic framework is meant to serve as a basis for the development of the technology of automatic feature-based program synthesis and architectural metaprogramming. Key words: Feature-oriented software development, automatic feature-based program synthesis, architectural metaprogramming, feature structure tree, feature composition, superimposition, quantification, weaving, feature algebra, quark mod...
Sven Apel, Christian Lengauer, Bernhard Mölle
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SCP
Authors Sven Apel, Christian Lengauer, Bernhard Möller, Christian Kästner
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