

An algebraic model for fast corner detection

13 years 10 months ago
An algebraic model for fast corner detection
This paper revisits the classical problem of detecting interest points, popularly known as "corners," in 2D images by proposing a technique based on fitting algebraic shape models to contours in the edge image. Our method for corner detection is targeted for use on structural images, i.e., images that contain man-made structures for which corner detection algorithms are known to perform well. Further, our detector seeks to find image regions that contain two distinct linear contours that intersect. We define the intersection point as the corner, and, in contrast to previous approaches such as the Harris detector, we consider the spatial coherence of the edge points, i.e., the fact that the edge points must lie close to one of the two intersecting lines, an important aspect to stable corner detection. Comparisons between results for the proposed method and that for several popular feature detectors are provided using input images exhibiting a number of standard image variatio...
Andrew Willis, Yunfeng Sui
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICCV
Authors Andrew Willis, Yunfeng Sui
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