

An algorithm for automatic evaluation of the spot quality in two-color DNA microarray experiments

14 years 11 days ago
An algorithm for automatic evaluation of the spot quality in two-color DNA microarray experiments
Background: Although DNA microarray technologies are very powerful for the simultaneous quantitative characterization of thousands of genes, the quality of the obtained experimental data is often far from ideal. The measured microarrays images represent a regular collection of spots, and the intensity of light at each spot is proportional to the DNA copy number or to the expression level of the gene whose DNA clone is spotted. Spot quality control is an essential part of microarray image analysis, which must be carried out at the level of individual spot identification. The problem is difficult to formalize due to the diversity of instrumental and biological factors that can influence the result. Results: For each spot we estimate the ratio of measured fluorescence intensities revealing differential gene expression or change in DNA copy numbers between the test and control samples. We also define a set of quality characteristics and a model for combining these characteristics into an ...
Eugene Novikov, Emmanuel Barillot
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Eugene Novikov, Emmanuel Barillot
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