

An algorithm for evaluation of discrete logarithms in some nonprime finite fields

14 years 7 days ago
An algorithm for evaluation of discrete logarithms in some nonprime finite fields
In this paper we propose an algorithm for evaluation of logarithms in the finite fields Fpn , where the number pn − 1 has a small primitive factor r. The heuristic estimate of the complexity of the algorithm is equal to exp((c + o(1))(log p r log2 r)1/3), where n grows to ∞, and p is limited by a polynomial in n. The evaluation of logarithms is founded on a new congruence of the kind of D. Coppersmith, C(x)k ≡ D(x), which has a great deal of solutions—pairs of polynomials C(x), D(x) of small degrees.
Igor A. Semaev
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where MOC
Authors Igor A. Semaev
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