

Alteration-Locating Authentication Watermarking for Binary Images

14 years 5 months ago
Alteration-Locating Authentication Watermarking for Binary Images
Abstract. In image authentication watermarking, hidden data is inserted into an image to detect any accidental or malicious image alteration. In the literature, quite a small number of cryptography-based secure authentication methods are available for binary images. This paper proposes a new authentication watermarking method for binary images. It can detect any visually significant alteration while maintaining good visual quality for virtually all types of binary images (possibly excluding dispersed-dot halftones). As usual, the security of the algorithm lies only on the secrecy of a secret- or private-key. This paper also presents a variation of the proposed scheme that can locate the modified region with good spatial resolution. A possible application of the proposed technique is in Internet fax transmission, i.e. for legal authentication of documents routed outside the phone network.
Hae Yong Kim, Ricardo L. de Queiroz
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IWDW
Authors Hae Yong Kim, Ricardo L. de Queiroz
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