

Alternate Path Routing for Multicast

14 years 6 months ago
Alternate Path Routing for Multicast
Abstract— Alternate path routing has been well-explored in telecommunication networks as a means of decreasing the call blocking rate and increasing network utility. However, aside from some work applying these concepts to unicast flows, alternate path routing has received little attention in the Internet community. We describe and evaluate an architecture for alternate path routing for multicast flows. For path installation, we design a receiver-oriented alternate path protocol and prove that it reconfigures multicast trees without introducing loops. For path computation, we propose a scalable local search heuristic that allows receivers to find alternate paths using only partial network information. We use a simulation study to demonstrate the ability of local search to find alternate paths approximately as well as a link-state protocol, with much lower overhead.
Daniel Zappala
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Daniel Zappala
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