

AMSQM: Adaptive multiple super-page queue management

14 years 8 months ago
AMSQM: Adaptive multiple super-page queue management
Super-Pages have been wandering around for more than a decade. There are some particular operating systems that support Super-Paging and there are some recent research papers that show interesting ideas how to intelligently integrate them; however, nowadays Operating System's page replacement mechanism still uses the old Clock algorithm which gives the same priority to small and large pages. In this paper we show a technique that enhances the page replacement mechanism to an algorithm based on more parameters and is suitable for a Super-Paging environment.
Moshe Itshak, Yair Wiseman
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IRI
Authors Moshe Itshak, Yair Wiseman
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