

Analysis and Synthesis of Pseudo-Periodic Job Arrivals in Grids: A Matching Pursuit Approach

14 years 6 months ago
Analysis and Synthesis of Pseudo-Periodic Job Arrivals in Grids: A Matching Pursuit Approach
Pseudo-periodicity is one of the basic job arrival patterns on data-intensive clusters and Grids. In this paper, a signal decomposition methodology called matching pursuit is applied for analysis and synthesis of pseudoperiodic job arrival processes. The matching pursuit decomposition is well localized both in time and frequency, and it is naturally suited for analyzing non-stationary as well as stationary signals. The stationarity of the processes can be quantitatively measured by permutation entropy, with which the relationship between stationarity and modeling complexity is excellently explained. Quantitative methods based on the power spectrum are also provided to measure the degree of periodicity present in the data. Matching pursuit is further shown to be able to extract patterns from signals, which is an attractive feature from a modeling perspective. Real world workload data from production clusters and Grids are used to empirically evaluate the proposed measures and methodolo...
Hui Li, Richard Heusdens, Michael Muskulus, Lex Wo
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hui Li, Richard Heusdens, Michael Muskulus, Lex Wolters
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