

An Analysis of Backward Simulation Data-Refinement for Partial Relation Semantics

14 years 4 months ago
An Analysis of Backward Simulation Data-Refinement for Partial Relation Semantics
This paper investigates data-refinement by backward simulation for specifications whose semantics is given by partial relations. The standard model-theoretic approach is based on totalisation and lifting. The paper examines this model, exploring and isolating the precise roles played by lifting and totalisation in the standard account by introducing a simpler, normative theory of backward simulation data-refinement (SB-refinement) which captures refinement directly in the language and in terms of the natural properties of preconditions and postconditions. This theory is used in conjunction with four other model-theoretic approaches to determine the extent to which the standard approach is canonical, and the extent to which it is arbitrary.
Moshe Deutsch, Martin C. Henson
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Moshe Deutsch, Martin C. Henson
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