

Analysis of Equilibria in Iterative Voting Schemes

8 years 9 months ago
Analysis of Equilibria in Iterative Voting Schemes
Following recent analyses of iterative voting and its effects on plurality vote outcomes, we provide a general characterisation of the set of equilibria attainable by iterative plurality voting. We show that deciding whether a given profile is an iteratively reachable equilibrium is NP-complete; however, if truth bias is added, we show that it is possible to determine all equilibria in polynomial time. Furthermore, we fully characterise the set of iterative truth-biased equilibria. We then examine the model of lazy voters, in which a voter may choose to abstain from the election, showing that the iterative voting process in this case converges to a stable state. As in the case with truth bias, we show that it takes at most polynomial time to find stable states that are Nash equilibria.
Zinovi Rabinovich, Svetlana Obraztsova, Omer Lev,
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AAAI
Authors Zinovi Rabinovich, Svetlana Obraztsova, Omer Lev, Evangelos Markakis, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
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