

Analysis of Random Access Protocol under Bursty Traffic

14 years 4 months ago
Analysis of Random Access Protocol under Bursty Traffic
Aloha-type random-access protocols have been employed as access control protocols in wireline and wireless, stationary and mobile, multiple-access communications networks. They are frequently employed by the control and signaling subsystem of demand-assigned multiple access protocols for regulating the sharing of a control channel. The latter is used for the transport of reservation packets requesting the allocation of channel resources to an active terminal. Such a random access channel is used, among others, by cellular wireless networks, by two-way CATV networks (such as those based on the DOCSIS protocol recommendation), and by demand-assigned satellite networks. The correct design and sizing of the random access operated control/signaling channel is a critical element in determining the performance of these networks. Excessive delays in the transport of signaling messages (induced by too many collisions and retransmissions) lead to unacceptable session connection set-up times. Con...
Jianbo Gao, Izhak Rubin
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where MMNS
Authors Jianbo Gao, Izhak Rubin
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