

Analysis of the Virtual Enterprise Partner Selection Based on Multi-agent System

14 years 10 months ago
Analysis of the Virtual Enterprise Partner Selection Based on Multi-agent System
: Today, virtual enterprise is regarded as the most competitive management model of enterprises that faces the resource of the globe. This paper proposed an instructor of remote manufacturing system supporting dynamic alliance for virtual enterprises with the multi-agent technology to solve the problem of partner enterprise selection. Grounding on the virtual enterprise’s cooperation framework, a model was given and in which we analyze the collaboration relation among different agents. The negotiation model will reduce the time and improve the efficiency of negotiation, so the appropriate partner can be selected in a short time. Key words: virtual enterprise (VE); partner selection; multi-agent system; analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Zunqi Yang, Hai Lin
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CSSE
Authors Zunqi Yang, Hai Lin
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