

Analysis of a Window-Constrained Scheduler for Real-Time and Best-Effort Packet Streams

14 years 6 months ago
Analysis of a Window-Constrained Scheduler for Real-Time and Best-Effort Packet Streams
This paper describes how Dynamic WindowConstrained Scheduling (DWCS) can guarantee real-time service to packets from multiple streams with different performance objectives. We show that: (1) DWCS can guarantee that no more than x packets miss their deadlines for every y consecutive packets requiring service, as long as the minimum aggregate bandwidth requirement of all real-time packet streams does not exceed the available bandwidth, (2) using DWCS, the delay of service to realtime packet streams is bounded even when the scheduler is overloaded, (3) DWCS can ensure that the delay bound of any given stream is independent of other streams, and (4) a fast response time for best-effort packet streams, in the presence of real-time packet streams, is possible. Furthermore, if a feasible schedule exists, each stream is guaranteed a minimum fraction of available bandwidth over a finite window of time.
Richard West, Christian Poellabauer
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where RTSS
Authors Richard West, Christian Poellabauer
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