

Analyzing the EGEE Production Grid Workload: Application to Jobs Submission Optimization

14 years 7 months ago
Analyzing the EGEE Production Grid Workload: Application to Jobs Submission Optimization
Abstract. Grids reliability remains an order of magnitude below clusters on production infrastructures. This work is aimsed at improving grid application performances by improving the job submission system. A stochastic model, capturing the behavior of a complex grid workload management system is proposed. To instantiate the model, detailed statistics are extracted from dense grid activity traces. The model is exploited in a simple job resubmission strategy. It provides quantitative inputs to improve job submission performance and it enables quantifying the impact of faults and outliers on grid operations.
Diane Lingrand, Johan Montagnat, Janusz Martyniak,
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Diane Lingrand, Johan Montagnat, Janusz Martyniak, Dave Colling
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