

Analyzing Interactions of Asynchronously Communicating Software Components - (Invited Paper)

9 years 9 months ago
Analyzing Interactions of Asynchronously Communicating Software Components - (Invited Paper)
Abstract. Since software systems are becoming increasingly more concurrent and distributed, modeling and analysis of interactions among their components is a crucial problem. In several application domains, message-based communication is used as the interaction mechanism, and the communication contract among the components of the system is specified semantically as a state machine. In the service-oriented computing domain this type of message-based communication contracts are called “choreography” specifications. A choreography specification identifies allowable ordering of message exchanges in a distributed system. A fundamental question about a choreography specification is determining its realizability, i.e., given a choreography specification, is it possible to build a distributed system that communicates exactly as the choreography specifies? In this short paper we give an overview of this problem, summarize some of the recent results and discuss its application to web ...
Tevfik Bultan
Added 20 May 2015
Updated 20 May 2015
Type Journal
Year 2013
Authors Tevfik Bultan
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