

Analyzing Non-Interference with respect to Classes

14 years 8 months ago
Analyzing Non-Interference with respect to Classes
The information flow property of Non-Interference was recently relaxed into Abstract NonInterference (ANI), a weakened version where attackers can only observe properties of data, rather than their exact value. ANI was originally defined on integers: a property models the set of numbers satisfying it. The present work proposes an Object-Oriented, Javabased formulation of ANI, where data take the form of objects, and the observed property comes to be their class. Relevant data are stored in fields; the execution of a program is taken to be the invocation of some (public) method by an external user; a class is secure if, for all its public methods, the class of its public data after the execution does not depend nitial class of its private data. The relation ANI lies in the representation of abstract domains as class hierarchies: upper closure operators map objects into the smallest class they belong to. An analyzer for a non-trivial subset of Java is illustrated, which is sound since...
Damiano Zanardini
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Damiano Zanardini
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