

Anchored mobilities: mobile technology and transnational migration

14 years 2 months ago
Anchored mobilities: mobile technology and transnational migration
Mobile technologies are deployed into diverse social, cultural, political and geographic settings, and incorporated into diverse forms of personal and collective mobility. We present an ethnography of transnational Thai retirees and their uses of mobile technology, highlighting forms of mobility that are spatially, temporally, and infrastructurally anchored, and concepts of the house as a kinship network that may be globally distributed. We conclude in pointing out several ways in which our observations and analysis can influence design. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.m [Information Systems]: miscellaneous General Terms Design, Human Factors. Keywords Mobilility, mobile technology, transnational, aging, ethnography
Amanda Williams, Ken Anderson, Paul Dourish
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Amanda Williams, Ken Anderson, Paul Dourish
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