

Anchoring by Imitation Learning in Conceptual Spaces

14 years 7 months ago
Anchoring by Imitation Learning in Conceptual Spaces
Abstract. In order to have a robotic system able to effectively learn by imitation, and not merely reproduce the movements of a human teacher, the system should have the capabilities of deeply understanding the perceived actions to be imitated. This paper deals with the development of a cognitive architecture for learning by imitation in which a rich conceptual representation of the observed actions is built. The purpose of the following discussion is to show how the same conceptual representation can be used both in a bottom-up approach, in order to learn sequences of actions by imitation learning paradigm, and in a topdown approach, in order to anchor the symbolical representations to the perceptual activities of the robotic system. The proposed architecture has been tested on the robotic system composed of a PUMA 200 industrial manipulator and an anthropomorphic robotic hand. The system demonstrated the ability to learn and imitate a set of movement primitives acquired through the v...
Antonio Chella, Haris Dindo, Ignazio Infantino
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIIA
Authors Antonio Chella, Haris Dindo, Ignazio Infantino
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