In the symmetric group on a set of size 2n, let P2n denote the conjugacy class of involutions with no fixed points (equivalently, we refer to these as “pairings”, since each disjoint cycle has length 2). Harer and Zagier explicitly determined the distribution of the number of disjoint cycles in the product of a fixed cycle of length 2n and the elements of P2n. Their famous result has been reproved many times, primarily because it can be interpreted as the genus distribution for 2-cell embeddings in an orientable surface, of a graph with a single vertex attached to n loops. In this paper we give a new formula for the cycle distribution when a fixed permutation with two cycles (say the lengths are p, q, where p+q = 2n) is multiplied by the elements of P2n. It can be interpreted as the genus distribution for 2-cell embeddings in an orientable surface, of a graph with two vertices, of degrees p and q. In terms of these graphs, the formula involves a parameter that allows us to spec...
I. P. Goulden, William Slofstra