

Anonymity and Information Hiding in Multiagent Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Anonymity and Information Hiding in Multiagent Systems
We provide a framework for reasoning about information-hiding requirements in multiagent systems and for reasoning about anonymity in particular. Our framework employs the modal logic of knowledge within the context of the runs and systems framework, much in the spirit of our earlier work on secrecy [9]. We give several definitions of anonymity with respect to agents, actions, and observers in multiagent systems, and we relate our definitions of anonymity to other definitions of information hiding, such as secrecy. We also give probabilistic definitions of anonymity that are able to quantify an observer’s uncertainty about the state of the system. Finally, we relate our definitions of anonymity to other formalizations of anonymity and information hiding, including definitions of anonymity in the process algebra CSP and definitions of information hiding using function views.
Joseph Y. Halpern, Kevin R. O'Neill
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CSFW
Authors Joseph Y. Halpern, Kevin R. O'Neill
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