

Anonymous Data Collection in Sensor Networks

14 years 8 months ago
Anonymous Data Collection in Sensor Networks
—Sensor networks involving human participants will require privacy protection before wide deployment is feasible. This paper proposes and evaluates a set of protocols that enable anonymous data collection in a sensor network. Sensor nodes, instead of transmitting their actual data, transmit a sample of the data complement to a basestation. The basestation then uses the negative samples to reconstruct a histogram of the original sensor readings. These protocols, collectively defined as a negative survey, are computationally simple and do not increase communication overhead. Thus, the negative survey can be implemented efficiently on existing sensor network platforms. We analyze the accuracy of the negative survey under a variety of conditions and define a range of parameter values for which it is practical. We also describe an example traffic monitoring application that uses the negative survey to classify traffic behavior. We demonstrate that for reasonable traffic scenarios, t...
James Horey, Michael M. Groat, Stephanie Forrest,
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors James Horey, Michael M. Groat, Stephanie Forrest, Fernando Esponda
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