

Anti-monotonic Overlap-Graph Support Measures

14 years 7 months ago
Anti-monotonic Overlap-Graph Support Measures
In graph mining, a frequency measure is anti-monotonic if the frequency of a pattern never exceeds the frequency of a subpattern. The efficiency and correctness of most graph pattern miners relies critically on this property. We study the case where the dataset is a single graph. Vanetik, Gudes and Shimony already gave sufficient and necessary conditions for anti-monotonicity of measures depending only on the edge-overlaps between the intances of the pattern in a labeled graph. We extend these results to homomorphisms, isomorphisms and homeomorphisms on both labeled and unlabeled, directed and undirected graphs, for vertex and edge overlap. We show a set of reductions between the different morphisms that preserve overlap. We also prove that the popular maximum independent set measure assigns the minimal possible meaningful frequency, introduce a new measure based on the minimum clique partition that assigns the maximum possible meaningful frequency and introduce a new measure sandwi...
Toon Calders, Jan Ramon, Dries Van Dyck
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICDM
Authors Toon Calders, Jan Ramon, Dries Van Dyck
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