

Anticipation and the artificial: aesthetics, ethics, and synthetic life

14 years 3 months ago
Anticipation and the artificial: aesthetics, ethics, and synthetic life
If complexity is a necessary but not sufficient premise for the existence and expression of the living, anticipation is the distinguishing characteristic of what is alive. Anticipation is at work even at levels of existence where we cannot refer to intelligence. The prospect of artificially generating aesthetic artifacts and ethical constructs of relevance to a world in which the natural and the artificial are coexistent cannot be subsumed as yet another product of scientific and technological advancement. Beyond the artificial, the synthetic conjures the understanding of aesthetics and ethics no longer from the perspective of the How? type of question, but rather the Why? Given the current infatuation with synthetic biology (i.e., making life from non-life), there is a practical consequence to such considerations. Synthetic life, as any other form of life, implies the possibility of evolution. Anticipation, which is the underlying factor of evolution, is thus expected. At the level of...
Mihai Nadin
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where AIS
Authors Mihai Nadin
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