

Anycasting in Adversarial Systems: Routing and Admission Control

14 years 5 months ago
Anycasting in Adversarial Systems: Routing and Admission Control
Abstract. In this paper we consider the problem of routing packets in dynamically changing networks, using the anycast mode. In anycasting, a packet may have a set of destinations but only has to reach any one of them. This set of destinations may just be given implicitly by some anycast address. For example, each service (such as DNS) may be given a specific anycast address identifying it, and computers offering this service will associate themselves with this address. This allows communication to be made transparent from node addresses, which makes anycasting particularly interesting for dynamic networks, in which redundancy and transparency are vital to cope with a dynamically changing set of nodes. However, so far not much is known from a theoretical point of view about how to efficiently support anycasting in dynamic networks. This paper formalizes the anycast routing and admission control problem for arbitrary traffic in arbitrary dynamic networks, and provides first competiti...
Baruch Awerbuch, André Brinkmann, Christian
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Baruch Awerbuch, André Brinkmann, Christian Scheideler
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