

An Anytime Algorithm for Generalized Symmetry Detection in ROBDDs

14 years 15 days ago
An Anytime Algorithm for Generalized Symmetry Detection in ROBDDs
Detecting symmetries has many applications in logic synthesis that include, amongst other things, technology mapping, deciding equivalence of Boolean functions when the input correspondence is unknown and finding support-reducing bound sets. Mishchenko showed how to efficiently detect symmetries in ROBDDs without the need for checking equivalence of all co-factor pairs. This work resulted in practical algorithms for detecting classical and generalized symmetries. Both the classical and generalized symmetry detection algorithms are monolithic in the sense that they only return a meaningful answer when they are left to run to completion. In this paper we present anytime algorithms for detecting both classical and generalized symmetries, that output pairs of symmetric variables until a prescribed time bound is exceeded. These anytime algorithms are complete in that given sufficient time they are guaranteed to find all symmetric pairs. Anytime generality is not gained at the expense of eff...
Neil Kettle, Andy King
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TCAD
Authors Neil Kettle, Andy King
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