

Appearance-guided synthesis of element arrangements by example

14 years 10 months ago
Appearance-guided synthesis of element arrangements by example
We present a technique for the analysis and re-synthesis of 2D arrangements of stroke-based vector elements. The capture of an artist’s style by the sole posterior analysis of his/her achieved drawing poses a formidable challenge. Such by-example techniques could become one of the most intuitive tools for users to alleviate creation process efforts. Here, we propose to tackle this issue from a statistical point of view and take specific care of accounting for information usually overlooked in previous research, namely the elements’ very appearance. Composed of curve-like strokes, we describe elements by a concise set of perceptually relevant features. After detecting appearance dominant traits, we can generate new arrangements that respect the captured appearance-related spatial statistics using multitype point processes. Our method faithfully reproduces visually similar arrangements and relies on neither heuristics nor post-processes to ensure statistical correctness.
Thomas Hurtut, Pierre-Edouard Landes, Joëlle
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where NPAR
Authors Thomas Hurtut, Pierre-Edouard Landes, Joëlle Thollot, Yann Gousseau, R. Drouillhet, J.-F. Coeurjolly
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