

Application of Fuzzy Vectors of Normalized Weights in Decision Making Models

13 years 10 months ago
Application of Fuzzy Vectors of Normalized Weights in Decision Making Models
In this paper, the notion of a fuzzy vector of normalized weights is introduced, and its application in decision making models based on the weighted average operation is studied. The fuzzy vector of normalized weights represents a generalization of normalized fuzzy weights that authors formerly applied for modeling uncertain weights of criteria and/or uncertain probabilities of states of the world. Illustrative examples show that fuzzy vectors of normalized weights extend the possibilities of utilizing the vague expert information concerning weights of criteria. For three particular forms of the fuzzy vectors of normalized weights, fuzzy weighted averages of given values are calculated and the obtained results are compared. Finally, the fuzzy models of multiple criteria decision making and decision making under risk based on the fuzzy weighted average operation are described. Keywords-- Decision making under risk; Fuzzy vectors; Fuzzy weighted average; Multiple criteria decision making...
Ondrej Pavlacka, Jana Talasová
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Ondrej Pavlacka, Jana Talasová
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