

Applications of Discrete Event Simulation in the Design of Automotive Powertrain Manufacturing Systems

14 years 3 months ago
Applications of Discrete Event Simulation in the Design of Automotive Powertrain Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing automotive powertrain components (engines and transmissions) is a complex task involving the integration of hundreds of components. Simulation is commonly applied in the design and implementation of such production systems. Examples of such systems are the crankshaft machining line, engine final assembly and transmission final assembly, to name a few. Invariably, different engine and transmission sub-assemblies are machined and assembled on separate systems. The completed sub-assemblies are then assembled to the engine or transmission main assembly. There are many areas within a powertrain assembly plant that show complicated behavior due to the varying nature of manufacturing processes. Not only the variation in process, but the schedules, availability of workers, and the performance of material handling equipment are only few of the factors contributing to the randomness in operation. Test areas where the final assembly is inspected for functionality present an example...
Arun Jayaraman, Ali K. Gunal
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where WSC
Authors Arun Jayaraman, Ali K. Gunal
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