

Applying a Layered Policy Model to IP Based Voice Services

14 years 7 months ago
Applying a Layered Policy Model to IP Based Voice Services
Traditionally, specific telecommunications services were essentially confined to certain types of networks; e.g., television over broadcast networks or cable and voice service over wireline or wireless networks. Regulations were built around the underlying infrastructure. The regulations imposed on these providers were as stratified as the networks and the services they carried. Convergence of services onto non-traditional platforms creates a dilemma where the rules no longer conform to the infrastructure. This creates inconsistencies and gives rise to problems such as: market, investment, and interconnection distortions, as well as universal service, accessibility (for the disabled) and public safety concerns. One of the most relevant of these services is voice, specifically voice over the internet protocols. While several authors have suggested alternative regulatory models to deal with these changes, these models tend to ignore important aspects of market power, network design and ...
Douglas C. Sicker
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Douglas C. Sicker
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