

Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study

14 years 7 months ago
Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study
This paper describes the application of the WinWin paradigm to identify and resolve conflicts in a series of real-client, student-developer digital library projects. The paper is based on a case study of the statistical analysis of 15 projects and an in-depth analysis of one representative project. These analyses focus on the conflict resolution process, stakeholders’ roles and their relationships to quality artifacts, and tool effectiveness. We show that stakeholders tend to accept satisfactory rather than optimal resolutions. Users and customers are more proactive in stating win conditions, whereas developers are more active in working toward resolutions. Further, we suggest that knowledge-based automated aids have potential to significantly enhance process effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, we conclude that such processes and tools have theoretical and practical implications in the quest for better software requirements elicitation. Keywords Requirements Engineering, Software...
Hoh In, Barry W. Boehm, Thomas Lee Rodgers, Michae
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where ICSE
Authors Hoh In, Barry W. Boehm, Thomas Lee Rodgers, Michael Deutsch
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