

Apprenticeship learning using linear programming

15 years 2 months ago
Apprenticeship learning using linear programming
In apprenticeship learning, the goal is to learn a policy in a Markov decision process that is at least as good as a policy demonstrated by an expert. The difficulty arises in that the MDP's true reward function is assumed to be unknown. We show how to frame apprenticeship learning as a linear programming problem, and show that using an off-the-shelf LP solver to solve this problem results in a substantial improvement in running time over existing methods -- up to two orders of magnitude faster in our experiments. Additionally, our approach produces stationary policies, while all existing methods for apprenticeship learning output policies that are "mixed", i.e. randomized combinations of stationary policies. The technique used is general enough to convert any mixed policy to a stationary policy.
Umar Syed, Michael H. Bowling, Robert E. Schapire
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 17 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICML
Authors Umar Syed, Michael H. Bowling, Robert E. Schapire
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