

An Approach to Middleware for Repeatable Collaborative Processes

14 years 6 months ago
An Approach to Middleware for Repeatable Collaborative Processes
Research suggests that in order for GSS to be deployed successfully over the long term, it must be integrated into the daily work practices of an organization, in support of repeatable collaborative tasks conducted by practitioners rather than facilitators. However current GSS technology is not optimized to support repeatable tasks. This paper describes a GSS architecture that integrates five classes of middleware on a universal data model. The purpose of the new architecture is to provide a fast, open, scalable, flexible, extensible platform for rapid development and deployment of customized collaborative applications for mission critical tasks. Early field results suggest the architecture may live up to its promise, but more experience is needed to confirm early indications.
Thomas Gregory, Robert O. Briggs
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Thomas Gregory, Robert O. Briggs
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