

An Approach to Rapid Manufacturing with Custom Fixturing

14 years 4 months ago
An Approach to Rapid Manufacturing with Custom Fixturing
We present an approach for automatically generating complete process plans, including xturing and CNC code, from high level shape feature part descriptions. The demonstration system is targeted at a broadly useful class of machined prismatic parts which includes sculpted exterior pro les and features requiring four and ve axis indexing for manufacture. The approach introduces a set of process plan templates which are schemas for a family of process plans embodying a variety of xturing strategies. The knowledge built into the process plan templates can adapt existing part hole features to be used for xturing, can modify the workpiece to enable xturing, and can create custom xturing components for stages of the process plan. The process plan template system automatically transforms a given part design into a complete process plan. The user can provide optional guidance for this transformation and also can edit the resulting process plan to further extend the usefulness of this approach ...
Mark Bloomenthal, Richard F. Riesenfeld, Elaine Co
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICRA
Authors Mark Bloomenthal, Richard F. Riesenfeld, Elaine Cohen, Russell Fish
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