

Approximate Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Approximate Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
— Recent advances in microelectronic technology have made it possible to construct compact and inexpensive wireless sensors. Sensor networks have received significant attention due to their potential applications from civil to military domains. Since sensors in sensor networks are equipped with energylimited batteries, energy conservation in such networks is of paramount importance in order to prolong the network lifetime. Sensing coverage and sensor connectivity in sensor networks are two fundamental issues, which have been extensively addressed in the literature, and most existing work on sensing coverage has focused on the (connected) full coverage problem that aims to cover the entire monitored region using the minimum number of sensors. However, in some application scenarios, full coverage is either impossible or unnecessary and a partial coverage with a certain degree guarantee is acceptable. In this paper, we study the connected coverage problem with a given coverage guarante...
Yuzhen Liu, Weifa Liang
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where LCN
Authors Yuzhen Liu, Weifa Liang
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