

Approximate nearest neighbors and the fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform

15 years 1 months ago
Approximate nearest neighbors and the fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform
We introduce a new low-distortion embedding of d 2 into O(log n) p (p = 1, 2), called the Fast-Johnson-LindenstraussTransform. The FJLT is faster than standard random projections and just as easy to implement. It is based upon the preconditioning of a sparse projection matrix with a randomized Fourier transform. Sparse random projections are unsuitable for low-distortion embeddings. We overcome this handicap by exploiting the "Heisenberg principle" of the Fourier transform, ie, its local-global duality. The FJLT can be used to speed up search algorithms based on lowdistortion embeddings in 1 and 2. We consider the case of approximate nearest neighbors in d 2. We provide a faster algorithm using classical projections, which we then further speed up by plugging in the FJLT. We also give a faster algorithm for searching over the hypercube. Categories and Subject Descriptors F.2.0 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: General General Terms Algorithms Keywords Johnson-...
Nir Ailon, Bernard Chazelle
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where STOC
Authors Nir Ailon, Bernard Chazelle
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