

Approximating Parameterized Convex Optimization Problems

14 years 3 months ago
Approximating Parameterized Convex Optimization Problems
We consider parameterized convex optimization problems over the unit simplex, that depend on one parameter. We provide a simple and efficient scheme for maintaining an -approximate solution (and a corresponding -coreset) along the entire parameter path. We prove correctness and ty of the method. Practically relevant instances of the abstract parameterized optimization problem are for example regularization paths of support vector machines, multiple kernel learning, and minimum enclosing balls of moving points.
Joachim Giesen, Martin Jaggi, Sören Laue
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ESA
Authors Joachim Giesen, Martin Jaggi, Sören Laue
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