

Approximating the Weight of Shallow Steiner Trees

14 years 2 months ago
Approximating the Weight of Shallow Steiner Trees
This paper deals with the problem of constructing Steiner trees of minimum weight with diameter bounded by d, spanning a given set of vertices in a graph. Exact solutions or logarithmic ratio approximation algorithms were known before for the cases of d 5. Here we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm of ratio O(log ) for constant d, which is asymptotically optimal unless P = NP , and an algorithm of ratio O( ), for any xed 0 < < 1, for general d.
Guy Kortsarz, David Peleg
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where DAM
Authors Guy Kortsarz, David Peleg
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