

An Approximation Algorithm for a Bottleneck Traveling Salesman Problem

14 years 5 months ago
An Approximation Algorithm for a Bottleneck Traveling Salesman Problem
Consider a truck running along a road. It picks up a load Li at point i and delivers it at i, carrying at most one load at a time. The speed on the various parts of the road in one direction is given by f(x) and that in the other direction is given by g(x). Minimizing the total time spent to deliver loads L1, . . . , Ln is equivalent to solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) where the cities correspond to the loads Li with coordinates (i, i) and the distance from Li to Lj is given by j i f(x)dx if j i and by i j g(x)dx if j < i. This case of TSP is polynomially solvable with significant real-world applications. Gilmore and Gomory obtained a polynomial time solution for this TSP [5]. However, the bottleneck version of the problem (BTSP) was left open. Recently, Vairaktarakis showed that BTSP with this distance metric is NP-complete [9]. We provide an approximation algorithm for this BTSP by exploiting the underlying geometry in a novel fashion. This also allows for an alterna...
Ming-Yang Kao, Manan Sanghi
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CIAC
Authors Ming-Yang Kao, Manan Sanghi
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