

Approximation algorithm for the kinetic robust K-center problem

14 years 20 days ago
Approximation algorithm for the kinetic robust K-center problem
Clustering is an important problem and has numerous applications. In this paper we consider an important clustering problem, called the k-center problem. We are given a discrete point set S and a constant integer k, and the goal is to compute a set of k center points to minimize the maximum distance from any point of S to its closest center. We consider both the discrete formulation, in which center points are restricted to be selected from S, and the absolute formulation, in which the centers may be chosen from any point in space. We consider two generalizations of this problem, inspired by issues that arise in real applications. First, we consider a robust version of the problem, in which the user provides a parameter 0 < t 1, and the algorithm is required to cluster only a fraction t of the points, thus allowing some fraction of outlying points to be ignored. Second, we consider the problem in a kinetic context, where points are assumed to be in motion. We present a kinetic dat...
Sorelle A. Friedler, David M. Mount
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Sorelle A. Friedler, David M. Mount
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