

Architecture for an Automatic Customized Warning System

14 years 6 months ago
Architecture for an Automatic Customized Warning System
Abstract—Public communication during natural and manmade disasters is a key issue that must be addressed to protect lives and properties. The choice of the best protective actions to take depends on a global situation-awareness that is not available to the general public. Emergency personnel and public authorities have the duty to inform the population before, during and after catastrophic events to support the disaster response. In this paper we describe the design and the implementation of PWS (Policy-driven Warning System), a system for public warning dissemination. PWS is not intended to replace existing systems or procedures, but to serve on top of them in order to leverage the current emergency response knowledge.
Mirko Montanari, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasu
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ISI
Authors Mirko Montanari, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian
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